Combines 8010 success


I would like to correct you on this one from first hand experience. last year they had 2700 acres of wheat on their farm. We had 2 2388's working for them. At the end of the job we had 890 acres per machine and they had 920 acres on their 8010, ask them. If that is really outrunning well then we have different expectations than each other. "the 2 do 40 acres an hour" sounds impressive but is that including road time, opening up fields, etcIJ I don't think so. Just because it says it on the monitor doesn't mean that is what you are getting, CONSISTENTlY. Shoot I can say I do 28 acres an hour with my 2388's in soybeans then. I would say 15 would be a stretch no matter how good of operator you put in it. At $180 per ENGINE hr this would come out to more like $12-13_ac. The only numbers that matter are what the figures show at the end of the season. Just for the record 450 acres in a day, we do that with 2 2388's with 36' Macs that is if you want to do day by day otherwise what matters to me is these 2 machines did 3500 acres in 10 days this late summer on the job we picked up because we didn't have to go to the farm you are speaking of where we would usually get stuck on for 3-4 weeks and have to be in the mud every other year. Pretty good trade off, at least for my expectations. The only thing we learned from this whole deal is now we know, as a custom harvester, who our competition is, our local Case IH dealers. I still haven't figured out how they figure we can continue buying combines every year if they are renting or leasing out machines to our customers. Kind of makes you wonder, lease one or sell 6-7IJ Seems to me they need to raise their expectations!! My emails attached.


I wasn't whining, I just was providing the facts to steve farmers post about a job we had worked on for 29 years. I do know that agriculture has changed and the approach us as farmers or custom harvesters take to make a living has to make a change or we won't be competitive or even in business very much longer. My post was also not about criticizing their choice to change their farming operation but about the performance of their new combines vs. the performance of our machines. After all isn't that what this forum is about, combines and what works, don't work, or how we can all become more efficient in our own operations. I also thought other may want to know some of the new "dynamics" us harvesters have to deal with hence the dealer remark. Put yourself in my shoes, you see a post about your operation stating second hand facts how would you react, it upset me so I replied, sorry. Just for the record the leasing dealer is not my local dealer but one we had dealings with for quite a few years working in the area.


Well I doe not know about States, bur I can share experience in lithuania (Eastern Europe). We managed to run 1qm_min of grain thru AFX 8010 in average. That means 37t_h in wheat. Or in another words we fill 10500 l grain tank in les then 15 min. (9-13 min normally) Im not calculating a travel distances, field entrances on propose (it is different in all countries or states). In our case sieves capacity was limiting capacity of machine most of the time. Or returns system to be more precise (it overloads one side of the sieves). What I doe not understand is why CNH installed NH cleaning shoe in AFX but didnt used NH returns system. It spreads returns more evenly on grain pan. Correct me if Im wrong.