Combines 8200 flex head


In wheat we had to remove the full fingers for it would bring to much material to back side of auger. We did two things at the same time to be sure we fixed problem. One was to remove extra fingers on this full finger auger and two was to install channel iron stripper just ahead of existing strippers to help hold large volumes or straw resistant to slide under the auger. If material won't feed in finger area I would suggest flighting extentions (earlier headers had them listed of barley flighting extention). I don't remember for sure but if the 8200 has a filler inbetween the header and feeder and they have sharp edge on top of header bottom you need to get it tucked under the bottom (I know the latest 7000 and 8000's had the filler on the top and that will not work in our country). The stripper behind the auger should bring the material in 2 or 3" beyond the edge of feed chain slats or you will risk getting straw behind slats which will jump the chain off in certain conditions. Good luck