Combines 8570 Front Beater Upgrade


You don't need the drum just the kit.When you have your beater out cut and grind all of the old parts off.The kit comes with the parts to weld to the drum and bolt on the vanes.


are you sure that there is a kit for the 8570...I know there is one for the early 8780s...I know when i did my front beater there wasn't a kit..I had to get the new style drum..but things could have changed... As far as improved feeding, it has done wonders for my 8570 in small grains, in corn, i have no idea...Just grow lots next spring....Neil


Hi Neil All that was needed was the drum, RightIJ Of course I will change the bearings, as long as I have the shaft out. Also are the felt seals on the beater shaft a problematic thingIJ Joe


Joe: I'm not sure, I had the dealer do it, all I did was pay the bill..I do remember them complaining about something, had to take it out a couple of times to get it to fit right...First one they did...good thing for flatrate billing...your dealer should be able to tell you what is needed to be ordered...One thing that might be worth looking at is putting a wear kit in the stone trap_front beater area...good luck...Neil


When I took out my beater on my 8780 I made A puller out of a pipe.When I pulled out the shaft it bent the side of the drum.When I put it back in it was not centerd.So I took it out and bent it back and put it in.Next time I will know what to look for.I was thinking the drums were the same on a 8780 and a 8570 but maybe thats not the case.


Called the dealer today. Parts man wasn't up on the switch. BUT I found out that there were 2 different front beaters in the 9000 series machines. They were distinguished by SN. the first was $1200, and the later one was $1400 for just the beater. Does anynoe know the difference between the twoIJ The parts man couldn't help. there was nothing in the description to tell what the differences were. Thanks for any help Joe


Joe: get your partsman or dealer to check with the Massey Blockman, My dealer has closed or i would do it for you...sounds expensive, the $700.00 figure sticks in my head...Neil


I did some checking at some other dealers, and the lowest price I came up with on the front beater was $1067 for just the beater,and mine didn't give me any troubles, so I think I am going to leave it as is. Joe