Combines 860 v 8 hydro


Here are some n from a 84 IT manual. 7720- 860- 8820 HP. 165-183(200 on late late models)-225 Cyl 55-60-66.5 width all 22 dia. Concave Area 1150-1350-1377 sq in. Walker Area 8222-10104-9867 sq in. Cleaning Area 5637-6142-6799 sq in. Grain tank 190-180-222 bu. The 860 will almost match the 8820. The place where the 860 really falls behind the 8820 is in clean grain handling. No problem handling Small Grains Or Soys. But in Really good corn you can over load it with a 6 row head. HTH. Joe


I had a grey cab 760 for three years before trading to a yellow top 8820. I used a 24ft header on the 760 and a 30ft on the 8820. I found I go about the same speed with the 8820 as I could with the 760. Also, you have to remember the Titan 2 series had a bigger shoe. The 8820 has 7,498 and the 7720 has 6,179 sq inches.


In my area, you can buy average to good condition 860s for usually around $5,000 give or take $2,000.