The 8820 is still my dream combine, but your question does not have any easy answer. Six rows of corn are not enuf material to properly run and set cleaning shoe. You can run 6 mph most of time to get the necessary volume, but when slowing down, not enuf material on shoe and sample suffers. Don't know how important clean sample is to you. Second point is cleaning shoe related also. Titan II chaffer with lift out sections for sidehills was essential for 12 row operation. If your land is FlAT, then no problem. A friend had 8820 w_ 12row corn head for many years. Called it 'Grandma' because it outperformed and outlasted everything that came along. That combine was unique. It was 1982 model, yet had factory authorized Titan II shoe kit installed. 18.4x38 duals and 4WD. Pump adjusted a bit. Mud, hills, and 200 bu corn... it could take on all three at once and do it sucessfully. That combine was a legend! Hope I shed some light on your situation. 12 row needs 4 WD and Titan II, that's my 2 cents.