Combines 900 series with full fingers


A couple of thoughts and questions that I had. I ran a 920 w_o the full fingers on my 9500. I now have a 9610 with the full fingers and an air reel. Personally I think the full finger auger is worth the extra money. However, you can certainly find a really good head without the full fingers probably a lot cheaper than you can find a later model full fingered one. How deep are your pocketsIJ You can make a head without the fingers feed pretty good by keeping the auger ground square. I think it's going to come down to a matter of how much more money are you willing to spend to get the full fingers. You can add them to a head without them, but I think the cost is around $100_ft. I might be wrong about that. BH


swallow hard and get the full fingers. very good in shorter crops


you can buy full finger conversion kits for the 900 series 922 about $1,700 925 about $1,900 that will give you a cost comparison