Combines 915 flex on a 4400IJIJIJ


Why not go 6620 pre T2 - keep looking there are some good ones out there!! A 6620 T2 is a nice combine, but usually they are WAY overpriced. 95man


I was looking to get into something that was new enough that it would not need to constantly be worked on, and would last a few years. I have looked at several pre t-2 6620s, and all of them had a lot of hours on them and showed signs of poor maintenance. I would not be opposeed to a pre t2 6620, if it had been well maintained, and had low hours, but I haven't been able to find a 6620, t2 or other wise around here, that I thought was worth taking home.


Yes, the 915 shoold hook right up to your 4400. But odds are the header control on the 915 is Dial-A-Matic and your 4400 is not. Seems to me it runs about $650.00 to switch to Dial-A-Matic.