Combines 925 on case ih


Ben, For a few years I had run a AF combine in corn only and finally decided to try beans with it so we went in search of a flex head. To put it kindly I talked to a lot of people with IH_CIH heads of various models (including brand new) and found the majority were not satisfied with the performance and_or durability of the head. After looking at a lot of heads on various dealers lots I found that most of the heads I looked at were broken and had been welded back together again. So beings several farmers in my area run green heads on red combines we went that direction too. Built my own adapter plate ($88.00 in steel and 3lbs of welding rod),the drive shafts cost me about $400.00 to build. The hose ends for the reel drive and lift will need to be changed but that is a minor detail. The JD head worked wonderfully this fall in soybeans, it fed well and cut great and we are more then satisfied. Doc


What did you do for electronics and what size head are we talking aboutIJ thanks


Ben- I am using a 224 header. I've never been a fan of electronic header height systems and because the JD head is so easy to use I never bothered to adapt the control system. If you post your question regarding the electronics on the Case_IH side of this board or on the Red Power Magazine Forum you should get the answers you need. Good luck! Doc


I put a 220 on a 1440 and now it is on a 1666.I bought an adapter from Bish. The electronics you have to figure out for yourself,but it's not hard. Just remember that the header control[potentiometer] has to be able to communicate with the combine.In other words,put your IH pot. in place of the JD dial-a-matic,and it will work. You have to make a backet to fasten the pot. to,and use the short linkage rod that JD uses on the newer heads.I made a short arm to go on the end of the JD sensing rod.Give yourself plenty of adjustment since you don't know how it will react initially.I installed it as best I could,and when I tried it,it dropped to the ground and stayed there.After studying it,I flipped the pot. over 180* and it worked perfectly. Clip the plug off and use some of the JD wires form that location up to the back of the head,and it will plug in like a new one.Good luck.