Thank's SK Yer, bit of a downer I must say, but were getting out while were still in front. All it needs here is RAIN! If we get more than 400+ mm annual rain fall, this part of the country will just about smoke all most, any other area in Australia! With current $165 ton, on farm wheat price (hung on to it, to long!!) and $150+ hectare input cost! Ive had enough!

Im positive that interest rates will go up considerably over the next couple years, and therefore it be nice to be debt free! Just one of the many factors that had us doing the gut renching, emotional decision to try something diffrent. When you hate stepping out of bed in the morning, with the though of how much will cost me today! Its time to make a change!! It takes motivation and enjoyment to make any business work, It has got a bit hard for me to be motivated to enjoy farming, as much as I love the life style. Got no idea what Im want or going to do! But Im sure I find something! Rolf