Combines 95 JD


We bought a 1967 JD 95 squareback with gas engine and no cab at an auction 2 years ago. This combine had 1970 hrs and was kept inside its whole life when not being used. The seat is not tore up and rotted and everything works on it including all of the lights on console. We paid $700 and it came with a 16ft header and sund pickup attachment. I have used it for 2 years now cutting 160 acres of wheat. It now has 2029 hrs on it. I like driving this combine because I can hear the sounds of harvest without the cab. In my area, it is rare to see a JD 95 or any combine made in the 60s without a cab. Even the older roundback combines had some sort of a cab. I would like to find a diesel 105 without a cab. My father got started on a MF 510 with no cab back in the 60s. After driving the 95 for a round he wished we would have had that combine instead. He says you stick out in the open where the wind can blow the dust away. On the 510 you sit in a hole were the dust just swirled around you. We also have a 1940 JD 12A with an lUH engine.


Grandpa bought a round back in 1963 to replace the 55. Dad bought a new square back in 1967 for 16000 cdn, we used them yearly,combining 2000 acres, till 1983 when we upgradedto a new 7720. They went to good homes and are still being used. Our parts counter in the shop still has many pieces that were bought "just in case" for the 95's which are still new in the box Rod


Green evny, I know you enjoy being outdoors, I do too. I just hope you wear a mask while you run your combine. I know of many good men who refused to do this and died of emphysema. GS


I have to wear a mask due to my allergies. I wouldn't be able to drive that 95 10 ft without one. In fact, I had to start wearing one in the 8820. I have a relative that has to blow the inside of his 9600 out each day because of his allergies.


I bought my '68 105 corn special diesel last march from Mankato, Imp. I really enjoyed running her this year. I also bought a 643 corn head for her. That is a Corn Shelling Machine! Running that old girl was the best fun I had all year. I can't wait until next fall!


Great. Not that you have allergies, but that you use the mask. Happy New Year!! GS


I owned a 55 square back. it must have been a really late model because it had a varible speed cylinder . maybe a late 69. dealer at that time didn't know that they made such a thing. it was gas with no chopper or hydro or a_c but did have a factory cab. it was a lot of fun to run but it had its hand full in 150 buchel corn it seemed like most of the time was spent dumping. dad had a d105 corn special seemed to handle 4row good and 15 platform.I sometimes wonder how many people would be farming today if they had to use such equipmentIJ those machines seemed to work great and they must be because people arwe still using them today. If my 9610 would last as long it would be great but jd proalbly couldn't afford to make them last that long anymore.


Are you in TexasIJ Have you tried Bozeman's in lubbockIJ 800-766-2076 let me know if I can help.