We bought a 1967 JD 95 squareback with gas engine and no cab at an auction 2 years ago. This combine had 1970 hrs and was kept inside its whole life when not being used. The seat is not tore up and rotted and everything works on it including all of the lights on console. We paid $700 and it came with a 16ft header and sund pickup attachment. I have used it for 2 years now cutting 160 acres of wheat. It now has 2029 hrs on it. I like driving this combine because I can hear the sounds of harvest without the cab. In my area, it is rare to see a JD 95 or any combine made in the 60s without a cab. Even the older roundback combines had some sort of a cab. I would like to find a diesel 105 without a cab. My father got started on a MF 510 with no cab back in the 60s. After driving the 95 for a round he wished we would have had that combine instead. He says you stick out in the open where the wind can blow the dust away. On the 510 you sit in a hole were the dust just swirled around you. We also have a 1940 JD 12A with an lUH engine.