Combines 9600 4x4 will not work


My first guess would be wiring. Get a test light and see if you have power down on the plug that goes to the valve.


Same thing happened to me this year while doing corn. Found out that the electrical wiring and plug had been knocked apart by corn stalks. Took a little while to find the wiring and plug - try looking under the combine on the lHS on the inside of the chassis, sort of in front of the returns elevator. Hope this helps!


It is about 99% likely that this is your problem (wiring unplugged or ripped out of solenoid valve).


stay away from the test light and use a multi-meter. a test light will work for testing power to bulbs and solinoilds, but the circut boards and chips do not like test lights! the bulb in the test light uses more power than some circuts can handle, and you could burn out something on the boards.


i will nearly put money on the plug under the left hand side i don't know why deere puts the dam thing in such a stupid place we had our one go suddenly when we needed it most hence we were stuck once out put the plug back in and away we went if the wireing is ok check the solonoid with a screwdriver to make sure it is working ok