Combines 9600 looses power smokes whiteish anyone had this problem


Sounds to me like there is possibly water in the fuel or even maybe the turbo is going out. That could be where the loss of power and white smoke come from. Have you checked the fuel filter and sediment bowlIJ Might try switching fuel also.


Sounds like what happened to me 2 seasons ago. We had an ingector go bad. We replaced all of them as I didn't want to melt a piston.


I had similar problem last year. Found that the wiring leading to the fuel pump was being grounded out about a foot above the pump on a tin sheild. This would end up shutting off the solenoid on the pump and stopping the engine. Not sure what color of smoke was involved. Hope this helps.


Happened to me this fall also. I thought that it must have been a sticky governor or rack in the pump, but no when I changed the fuel filter below the tank and the one on the engine the problem never came back again. I hope your problem is as simple as mine.


Has to be the Filters. I change all fuel filters every oil change no matter what. How many hours on your rigIJ


Most likely is fuel related problem. But just to be sure unplug the air temp switch located on the air pipe close to the aftercooler. The switch is normaly open so if it is bad the engine will run fine with the switch unplugged. If it is bad you need to replace it. Running with the switch unplugged could cause a piston to melt.