Combines 9600 motor hunting badly


I agree with Guru on his assessment, plugged fuel tank breather will allow machine to run well until it creates vacuum and then motor will act like it is running out of fuel, had this happen on a tractor and it was, of course, the last thing I checked, live and learn.


In the '97 models some of the earlier machines came out of the factory with the wrong injectors. They will not give you any trouble for a long time and then all of the sudden loose all their power at once. Mostly happened when cutting corn from 26-32%.


We had that problem on a couple 9600's and ended up pulling the plunger out of the shut-off solenoid located on the side of the fuel pump. It was sticking halfway closed and was trying to shut the fuel off. When you turn the key off, the engine shuts off even without this solenoid so we never even replaced it.


If it dies going through the field i would say its the sump screen in the bottom of the tank where the hose comes off the water seperator filter