I run a CTS II and I agree with what "TR Killer" said. The CTS is will do a better job and give you some more capacity except in canola. The problem in canola is the rotors create too much material and overloads the shoe so you have to slow down a little. But its not too bad and I would say the capacity in canola for the CTS is about the same as the 9500. If canola is not your main crop, I wouldn't worry about it. Also, harvesting late at night or when the crop is a little tough also helps. Capacity wise, they are about the same as the CIH 2388. The CTS will give you a better sample then the 9600 especially in barley. I even had a Case salesman tell me that he was impressed by the CTS and the job it does. One thing that is very important is that a CTS is set differently from a 9600. A lot of people weren't impressed with the CTS early on because they were setting the machine like the 9600 and not according to the book. But since you are new to green it shouldn't be a problem if you follow the book. The early CTS combines didn't have enough power but from what I am told JD up the hp on the later ones. I live near the Canada_USA border and there were a lot of CTS combine sold in Alberta until the STS came out. The CTS value went way down because of the STS. Some of the dealers have ended up off loading their swamped CTS trade ins at auctions. I guess people think the STS is better but from what I have heard about repair and maintanence costs on the STS I think a used CTS is a huge bargain plus I think it is the more proven machine.