Combines 9650 STS leaking grain


ROO, check on the bottom side of the return elevator at the top end where the two pieces are spot welded together. On one of our 03 9750's had a leak there and was easily fixed with a little H154379 combine sealant. I hope this helps AZCUTTER


I'm also having the same problem with grain leaking on the right side of the combine in the same area.. As well we've noticed grain leaking out underneath the feederhouse in the corners of the feeder house door.. My dealer says they can't do anything about that leak. And they didn't really want to believe me about the grain pushing out on the right side of the rotor panals. It's a '03 9650


Had this problem. Found it to be improperly installed rotor cover doors on right front.Be sure top of doors fit under the bottom lip.