Combines 9650 sts replace a 9600 7720


I would say less acres, but much less cost per_year, plus gain 1 extra man.


I've been through this in the last couple of years, but on a smaller scale. I had a family member who replaced a 6620 and a 7700 with a 9510 about three years ago, and it cuts as much as the two of them put together ever could. I realize that the difference in the size of the machines involved may not make that seem like much of a comparison to your situation. Try looking at it this way: A 9650 STS should have in the neighborhood of 25% more capacity than your 9600. Add in the availability of one more truck or tractor driver, and subtract the time needed to maintain and repair one combine, and see if that is enough to make up for the capacity of the 7720. I'd guess that it probably is.


one 9650sts with a graincart and enough trucks to keep the grain away would combine more than your 9600and 7720 plus doing a far superior job and you would still feel rested at the end of the day


if you can keep the 2002 combines to stay running and not burn to the ground they do a great jod but we burned two of theme this year and are trading back to case 2388's for the 2003 harvest.