Combines 9650sts chopper or spreader


We are in the process of converting from choppers to spreaders because of the high maintance cost of replacing knives that should last longer.Had the chance of running beside a spreader machine last fall in irrigated green stem beans, the spread pattern was excellent the full 30ft but the stems were intact and I was concerned,the farmer notilled wheat and rye through them and has a good stand.Weare concerned about heavy wheat straw in high yield wheat we cut.But the choppers caused problems in damp green straw before by windrowing on either side and plugging the chopper when knives are worn some,they also windrowed bad in soybeans but solved the problem last fall with wider tailboards with the extra finas update:


I haven't seen a better spreader yet. We've been through all kinds of ugly fields and they never plugged. In extrem dampness, of course, they leave little piles. But who can do betterIJ


Gleaner with a dual spreader especialy if its hydraulicaly driven.


the only problem we have had is green stem beans it doesn't break them up therefore if we want to put on annhydrous we have to let the stems rot a little or our applicator tends to plug. if it gets a couple of rains on it that it all it takes


I have just ordered a JD STS combine an I am wondering wheather or not to get a straw chopper or the spreader. I have heard that the choppers are high maintainence and I am wondering if anyone has had experience with the STS with a spreader and how it works in wheat, soybeans and corn.