Combines 9650sts w 12r20in corn head


You can spec a 9650STS combine with all the necessary options to lift a 12row cornhead. You need the heavy lift cylinders. Ask your dealer to spec it out with the standard equipment from a 9750STS. When comparing two new ones, you will save about $10,000. Gilly


Somebody in the Farm Show Magazine made a JD 16 row header to mount on a 9750STS.


there is a guy that compares a 9650sts to a r72 both with 12r20 heads on the gleaner site


A standerd 9650sts will pickup a 12row 30 corn head pretty easy without heavy cylinders.The heavy ones on our 9750 is more responsive and is the only thing that will pickup our 16 row 30 corn head that Green Envy was talking about on Farm Show magazine.If the 9650sts had the big cylinders it could pickup the 16row.But the standerd reverser and drive belt isn't heavy enough for long life.We don't have any extra weight added to the rear of our 9750 to handle the 16row.I get along fine with it. A 9650W on a 12 row 30 is lighter on the rear end than the 9750 with the 16.