I do recall a rather outlandish claim that your uncle said his R72 would be beaten by an STS in wheat, and if that's true, then, again, with all due respect to your uncle, he's not much of a Gleaner guy, or even a combine guy for that matter. I've got $1000 that says no way if you let me set the Gleaner. A Gleaner simply won't be beat in wheat by just about any machine out there, especially not by an STS. Anyone who has been around both machines in wheat could tell you that. I also recall saying that the STS is at its best in corn and soybeans and the difference between it and a Gleaner are less clear-cut. However, having been around 96 and 97 50 and 60 series STS combines, I find it surprising that there is such inconsisitency. What miracle is at work allowing some of these 96s to do what 97s can'tIJ You tell me. I stand by my claim that hp is at work here.