Combines 9660 STS Straw chopper or notIJ


Have you ever seen how well a Case IH spreads wheat straw or bean stubbleIJ Have you ever seen a corn field that was planted in a field where a a Case combine was running and a JD was running in the same fieldIJ You can always tell where the Case was running. I'm not trying to bash Case combines I just don't think that they have a good spreading system. The JD spreaders look like they are the same exact setup and how could it be any better. We have a chopper on our STS and it spreads the straw behind a 30' header very well after JD updated the chopper and put on the 12 fins instead of the 8 that it came with.


Take a look at the Redekop MAV chopper. They have a nice chopper to spread up to 45 feet, but can me calibrated for your header. Fine cut, 110 mph wind it makes. Email me.


Here is a link to Redekop. They used to make a retro-fit kit for Deere choppers for finer chopping and better spreading but I don't see anything about it on their site.


Chopper will shake the rear of the STS apart. We have two 9750s and both have been borken up in the back because of the chopper. Take a lot of fuel and are really not necessary with the STS. Bottom line, we prefer the spreader because they take a lot less power, combine uses less fuel and rear end of combine does not get broken up. Chopper is held on with only 2 bolts and that high dollar cylinder. Not nearly enough support to hold them, look at chopper on 9600, has a long strong track and they still would break the rear hood off if you did not watch them. Just my 2 cents worth, good luck with whichever you choose.


If choppers are breaking the rear hoods off of combines it's not the mfg fault. It is because the chopper has gotten out balance due to broken or wore parts that should be replaced.


have had a 9750 sts for 2 years with a spreader, does a great job. have done around 10,000 acresof corn, wheat,soys and white beans with it and have never had a problem.the only thing we diss liked about the sts was the chopper. I wouldn't think twice about getting a spreader.


have had a 9750 sts for 2 years with a spreader, does a great job. have done around 10,000 acresof corn, wheat,soys and white beans with it and have never had a problem.the only thing we diss liked about the sts was the chopper. I wouldn't think twice about getting a spreader.


Got the brochure in my hand. You have two choices 1. A complete MAV chopper or 2. A MAV rotor upgrade to the existing chopper. This is about $2500 CAN. The JD fine cut chopper is basically an old style Redekop


Try putting on new hammers if it's shaking apart. If your going to only have straw speaders, and your zero or minimum tilling, you had better invest in a heavy harrow too.


Try putting on new hammers if it's shaking apart. If your going to only have straw spreaders, and your zero or minimum tilling, you had better invest in a heavy harrow too.