Combines 9690 with 12 row corn head


Since the 9690 is very similar to the 8780XP mechanically (except the beater, rotor, cleaning fan, shoe),it will physically lift and carry a 12 row, if you get the bigger feeder lift cylinders and get the right tires for the job. However, I'd spend the extra and get the 9790. In good corn, you'll run short of power with the 9690, especially with a Drago corn head with the rotary stalk choppers. You also get a wider feeder and cleaning shoe with the 9790, and will thus have more cleaning capacity. MF is a great corn combine, but is relatively weak on slopes, like a Case, TR, or Deere would be. The new corn heads are the Gleaner corn head and are quite good. The flex heads generally work well, with feeding in short beans a problem, just like it is with any other color head.


Yes, I do. Gotta love that machine. Will keep that one around for a long time. Just doing some long range planning. looking ahead. Not really sold on what Deere is producing now, that's why I run the 8820. If my farm size continues to increase I would probably run two combines for the bean harvest, and just have one for corn. Also, with more reliance placed on hire help; I need something that they will like to drive. I love to drive the old 8820, but it's hard to convince others that. Sooner or later will have to update.


I think the 9690 is likely one of those combines bound to be legendary like the 8820. Simple and reliable, and a pleasure to drive!