Dibber, If your head was slowing down, I think your bypass valve was faulty. I run 8row 22 inch and when working it alot, I use 350 to 400n as so called max load. I may take it to dealer and dyno this setup so I know how much hp it will deliver. By testing it on one side of the drive, I am concerned about hurting the spline shaft as I understand you can deliver more than 165 hp, and in use, that is delivered to two drives. We had a local farm shop design the bearing outer support and is a simple easily moved machine to machine design. The outer spline part is cut down in lathe to 2_1000 under the size of a JD disc flangette held bearing without lock collar(no room). If need more info, I can get you the contact. Just email me. If working that drive really hard, I see a broken front shaft in your future.