Combines 9750 and Deere draper head


"..two speed 4x4 drive.." Do you mean 2 speed hydostat like CIHIJ


I have heard from my uncle in Washington that John Deere is having lots of little problems with the new draper headers. Nothing big, but lots of little things. However, I do not know how reliable his word his due to the fact that he is a dealer and regional manager for the area for MacDon which markets draper headers.


I bought a 936D for my 9610. It has worked great. Had to adjust the cutting angle more than what the dealer thought I would need to get the cutterbar low enough to get the downed crop. The fingers really worked well to pick up the crop also. I will be trying it out on my soybeans next week.


I understand MUD HOG makes a 2 speed rear wheel assist unit for combines. It will allow faster field speeds in high range and more torque in low range. Deere will offer this unit as a factory option this year. I appreciate the input, but I have another question of those of you that have run a Deere draper. Can you adjust the tilt of the sickle bar and can it be get low enough to do a good job on soybeansIJ Thanx.


One problem to watch for on a JD Draper head has been the failures of their straight-line knife drive. I think they will be converting their 4" stroke design back to around 3" stroke configuration to get better reliability.