Funny you bring up the fuel filter issue. I was talking to our fuel supplier today and he said that several of his customers that are running NEW JD tractors and combines , as well as Catepillar custruction equipement are having alot of fuel related problems this year. When they investigated the problem they found that Deere has gone to a much finer fuel filter( I think he said 3 micronIJIJIJ) Typically the fuel filters are much coarser then this ( the filters they use on bulk fuel tanks are 30 micron!). What was happening is that the new filters are plugging up much faster , this is causing back pressure in the fuel systems and the fuel is actually boiling in the lines, the result the tractors_combines are running fine one minute and stall out the next. Some guys have found that just going to a coarser filter has solved all their problems.The guy good be blowing smoke but he's always been honest with us in the past so I see no reason to doubt him, he says any of the older deeres are running just fine with the same fuel.