Combines 984 vs 1084 cornhead


The 900 series had aluminum gearboxes and they caused some problems. Someone who has had one should be able to give you better advice. Without knowing any more, I would recommend the 1000 series. Hope this helps.


dead duck; Scroll down about a 1_3 of this page to a post labled corn head by steve farmer. This may help.


Thanks, that's just the kind of info I was looking for. I must have missed that thread somehow. $4.00 corn has a lot of us down here in the south planning to plant corn, and 40" row corn heads are getting scarce, and expensive. But I have a neighbor with a 900 series head that he put new chains, rollers, and knives on about 500 acres ago, and we can get a pretty good deal on it. We'll only have maybe 3-400 acres of corn, so it isn't like we're going to try to harvest the world with it. One thing the head needs is the pan under the auger, and the one that's in there has been patched and still has some holes in it.