Combines 9860 sts


I would not expect the STS Bullit Rotor to chop up more straw or bean stubble than an AFX rotor. STS has smoother ribbon tri-stream feeding and more clearance around the separator "tines". The 2388 would chop more with the chopper discharge beater, but the straight winged discharge beater would not chop much bean stubble. It sure seems like the 2388 spreaders tend to clump and drop bean straw piles off the rear axle or frame area. Sure looks bad across some bean fields. If customer really wants fine chop then the chopper with powered tail board is for him. On the otherhand, if he is going to leave residue lay per no-till, such as we do, the simple hydraulic drive twin spreaders do a nice job, less maintenance, less horsepower, less fuel required, less banging noise driving by and in cab variable speed option lets us adjust for spread width, changing between crops and opening fields along roads and driveways easily. .02


I would disagree with Dakota, if you friend has lots of money, put 12 row on that 9860 and watch the corn come out the back. Of coarse with the Deere all inclusive chopper, it will just like the CIH chop it up and make it harder to find. A 9860 has no more capcity than a 9660 just more HP and grain tank capacity.


Turk, I'm also worried about 35' augers if they don't have a center support bearing. I've seen alot of 30' augers crack and break in the center due to the high bending moments and stress. We had to weld up a 8" long crack around the center tube on our JD F930 head last year. Crack started near one of the auger finger access holes. luckily CM heard it making noise before it broke completely in two. It has lasted another season this year, but we noticed a second crack starting on the other access hole. Be sure to check for these crack during off season. The big lexion headers, 35' and 40' have a center support bearing in their augers and are able to handle the occassional clump and bunch feeding without bending and breaking. Crary auger head also has a center support auger. Eventually, I expect JD, CNH and AGCO will also add center support bearing to their 30+ foot headers, since that is where the highest loads are. Also provides precise center adjustment to maintain auger stripper clearance in the critical center area. Phase 7 of the CHIS Combine Header Interface Standard also includes a provision for ClAD - Center line Auger Drive which will also eliminate the long drive shafts and chains _ belts out at the ends of the headers. I need your support to help get CHIS adopted through ASABE _ ISO over the next few years.