Combines AC fans not working


We had a broken wire on an M A_C fan unit one time. The heat_pressure built up inside the lines and eventually (actually very quickly) a line blew out explosively and we put a white cloud of Freon into the atmosphere. Scared the heck out of me-sounded like a gun going off next to the cab. I wouldn't run it until I knew why the fans weren't working if it was mine.


If I remember correctly there is a relay up in the fan box that we had to replace. Check that with a test light. Sometimes you just need to smack it to make it work temporarily. Replace it any way.


The fans are turned on by the thermostat sending 12v to the RElAY. the relay then sends current to the fans and the compressor. At least that is the way it is supposed to work. I have seen somereal creative wiring here. If yours has the shiny, origional relay it has been replaced by a relay kit. 71335290 is th n complete with proper wiring diagram. like American Express - don't leave home without the fans working when the compressor is on.