We had a lOT of trouble with our acc. gear teeth right after we bought our R52 - had about 600 hours and the gears had been replaced with the wide ones by previous owner already. We couldn't figure out what the problem was - not only chipping teeth on acc gears, but gears on the right side as well that drive dist. auger. FINAllY, we took the plate off the right side that holds the idler gear between dist. auger and acc. roll shaft - previous owner had apparently taken this plate off or replaced it for whatever reason and he used machine bolts to bolt it back to the combine rather than carriage head bolts. This apparently allowed a slight misalignment in these gears and caused jumping_pinching_etc and caused acc. gear teeth to strip. Once we fixed everything EXACTlY like the parts book showed, our problem disappeared. Been running three seasons since then with no apparent wear at all on any of the gears. Hope this helps- Tom langan