Combines Accelerrator Rolls Pluging


what combineIJ 52 or 62IJ Check the stuffer fingers or paddles on the dist auger. Are they all presentIJ Are the lugs in good shapeIJ Is it the accel rolls or tailings chute that plugsIJ


The combine is a 2001 R72. Everthing is on the dist augers and the lugs have around 600 sep. hours on them. They will need changed before small grain. It plugs below the rolls. The barley is damp and up to 8 inches tall. We have pluged the rolls in nightshade years ago but never in volentier barley or wheat.


The combine is a 2001 R72. Everthing is on the dist augers and the lugs have around 600 sep. hours on them. They will need changed before small grain. It plugs below the rolls. The barley is damp and up to 8 inches tall. We have pluged the rolls in nightshade years ago but never in volentier barley or wheat.


I had the same problem with my N-6 as did the prevous owmer. The dealer replaced roll twice, no help. After 3 years figured out front roll cover and fan extenion where pushed down 2.75inches. Ran good in good cutting condition, but could not cut at all in poor conditin. First check rolls for whare, then check bottom roll cover clearence.