30 amps is quite an additional load along with everything else. Think you might be going to far. Have you checked into the HID light available from the dealer. They work very well and do not draw that much current. Sounds like you still have a loose connection. Take the overhead panel out inside the cab requires removal of the screws that hold the visor in place). This will give you access to all the lighting fuses and relays. Your machine might have mini circuit breakers installed rather than fuses. Remove them and reinstall fuses of the same amp rating. Heat builds up in the overhead and causes the circuit breakers to break. While you are there, also check the connections to the grounding stud in this area and also make sure the stud is fastened securely. These have been known to come loose. Might also check all the grounds on the cab in addition to the connectors thru the right side of the cab.