Adding to Our Chicken Flock


Farm Hand
We currently have a couple of Leghorn chickens, and we're looking to add to our flock. I'm interested in getting a Golden Comet or two because they lay so many eggs per year. Can I house all the chickens together, or do I need a coop for each breed?

Urban Homestead

Bean Stalker
You can house them both together, assuming there is plenty of space, nesting boxes, and roosting spots for all the chickens. Just make sure to integrate them slowly and keep an eye out while the new pecking order gets established. I did tons of research on this when I wanted to add different breeds to my own flock.

Andrew T

Farm Hand
Yes, you should be able to house them together as long as there are enough resources (food, roosting spots, etc) for everyone. I'd keep an eye on them when you initially integrate them so you can be sure everyone's getting along.