Combines advice power hop on 350hp 4w 305 articulated i know it s not a combine question


In reveiwing tire pressure to weight chart I should make note that using Max in above statement could be confusing. The pressure for front will be very close to 12PSI and I would set rear very similiar if not the same. I allways go with the high end of specs or higher to help prevent tire slipage on rim and or tubes failing from under pressure. Your tire guy should be able to tell you what you can run and still expect warrentee if you give him weights.


Articulated, What do you mean it's not a combine question. I've seen a Red axial flow ARTICUlATED combine, It pivots between the thresher and the grain cart. Diesel engine sits where grain bin used to be, behind cab. labeled a CX100 IHC. Tracks on the back floater size tires up front. Grain bin appeared about 600bu


Well, the problem is solved......thanks for all the help! Mon morning made appt. at tire shop to get fluid. Added water to the 4 inside tires up to the rim. dealer called it 90% full. Each tire he said was 1500lbs. So with another 6000 pounds to the tractor and the pressure set at 18psi and 14 on the duals...I'm happy to say that it rides like a Cadillac! or the way it should anyway.