In soybeans the guys shut the back of the chaffer, the chopper plugs it. So your like a short shoe. I always thought the elephant ears were cupped the wrong way, they force the crop out instead of pulling it in. The AFX just pulls it in like an auger where the elephant ears force it out to the vanes then in. In theory the cone should last longer in a AFX. I run a short shoe 1 1_8 short finger chaffer with a loewen 3_8 round hole bottom sieve in soybeans. The chaffer keeps the trash out and the round hole bottom sieve cleans the beans, no pods go through the round holes just beans. Any time you can make it feed through better it's going to thresh better. Thats what makes the John Deere full finger head so great, it feeds smooth. The JD combines look smooth because of the full finger head, You don't want to know what I think of the combines. Your clean grain elevator has enough capacity for beans, AFX, Go for it.