Just got a call from my dealer this morning he wants $125,000.00 CDN and my 2003 2388 which has 1900 rotor hours on it. I give him all this and I will get a 2006 2388. He told me I have to let him know by end of Oct. because there is a price increase. Am I crazy but isn't this just a bit much for exactly the same combine has I have but with no hours on it granted it is three years newer and from what I am hearing it will have a bit more horsepower. When will it stop in 1980 a 1480 was $80,000.00 CDN this is crazy. I guess I will keep my 2388 for a long, long, long, time because when it has 5000 hours on it it will still be worth $50,000.00 because new combines then will be close to a million dollars. Stop the insanity. lOl