Combines Agco 9815 or NH 8970


I have been around the Genenis some, but not a lot and have never been around the Agco. What I have seen and heard is that the NH is an excellent machine. I know the turning radius will beat the orange one by lots. I would think the NH cab and overall comfort would be much better too. The Agcos seemed a bit cumbersome. The fact that they were a component tractor seemed to have made them awkward. Both tractors are probably fine, but I'll bet the NH wins about every test between the two.


I'd have to agree with Brandon, I don't know much about the agco, but I know the Genesis are sweet. Buhler offers amazing deals on new ones, you should price one out before purchasing a used NH.


John, I have had several 9600 Agco's.leased them since they were new. Then bought a 9695.Also have a 9675 two wheel drive. They have both been good tractors. The motors are Detroits,which is nothing more then a 466 internationl block(which as everone knows was pretty much bullet proof)with different heads and injectors.The tranny is the funk like the New Holland,as good as anyones.The only thing I didnt like was the cab,but I was use to the 8000 series cabs on the Allis Chalmers which was way ahead of everyone else for there era.It wont turn as sharp,but you shouldnt need to turn very short,should be pulling pretty big implements with those tractors.The 9695 and 9815 should be almost the same tractor.I think that you could do the same amount of work with the orange one for less money.But that is always why I drove and continue to drive orange. I just traded my 95 off for a new Agco-Allis 9785.If I can help any further let me know. Illinois Gleaner


The NH is a component tractor as well. Iveco-Funk-(same trans brand as AGCO) Fiat Ford - whatever . The supersteer option is better if tight turning is an issue. The 9815's were never 'wasp waisted' as were the 9695's and down. The supersteer is another upkeep link in maintaining good tight steering. Neither of these bust the retail market top as do none of the big beasts of any color. 9815's don't suffer from power hop to extent then NH's do. Toss a coin in the direction of the best dealer who has experience in internal surgical operation in case either one shoots crap$ in an expensive area down the service road. Thats what is important.


We have had both since 1996. 9690,9670,9675 AGCO's and FORD 8970's. We prefer the 8970's. The 8970 hydraulic flow is much greater,the super steer is great[no mechanical failures in 4000 hours on three of our 8970'S,they have 5 additional grease fittings],cab,comfort,and handling is great. The fuel consumption is the best of any tractor of that size. Pulling a 16_31 Kinze they will use .25-.33 gallon per acre. The horsepower of these tractors has dyno-ed from 245-260 at factory settings.The AGCO's are are tough and the engines have been reliable. They travel in road gear about 5-6 mph faster than the NH. I hope this helps in your desision. Merry Christmas!


We have 2 NH 8970's and one 8670 we have had great service out of our tractors and the bigest problem we have had is the foot throtle cable breaking and it is'nt that big of a problem to replace. Our two 8970's pull 8-row KMC Rip Strip Units with case IH 900 air planters attatched to them. It is a real test for a tractors hydro systems and engines. And so far they have held up great.


The new Buhler 2210 hear in North Carolina loaded is about 99,900. That is about 7,000 more than we gave for our 8970's 8 years ago.