Combines AGCO draper Good or BadIJIJIJ


I'v seen it, but never had the chance to operate one. I'v ran the 36ft John Deere one, it was alright, i thought it was a little noisier than what im used to, but thats cause I run a Gleaner, not a John Deere, lol I'd be interested in also hearing from someone who has ran one.


We have a '98 model Agco 600 30' draper header. love it. Runs really well, a little more maintenance than auger header, but well worth it by how it feeds. Heads go in first, no slugging or groaning. We have only run it on Durum, so I can't tell you how it will feed in other crops. Some draper headers don't feed Barley well. Ours is an earlier model. The later models have a few better features on the adapter part. Hope this helps.


The Agco draper that I ran two years ago was near shot (had over 20,000 acres on it). Blew a hydraulic hose about every week, didn't matter which one. Springs were constantly breaking also but I think they fixed that problem. As far as operation was concerned it was really nice in tall, good standing wheat and you could go like a striped ape; but if the field conditions weren't perfect the side canvases would backfeed if you even thought of taking your eyes off of them. Maybe my troubles were just due to operator error (wouldn't be the first time),but I found the Honeybee header a lot more forgiving. My two cents Proto