Combines agco gps system


The Satloc system that Agco sells is a very good system that has several years of experience behind it. It can do contours as well or better than any of them. The display not only has lights but has a feet indicator telling you how many feet you are off. lightbar is very visible even when placed several feet away on the hood (where it belongs). I think Deere's system has too small of a screen to be seen easily. Kelly


Kelly, Do you think hillsides would have a measurable effect on any of the systems. I farm in the palouse of washington state where the steep stuff is 22 degree angle. My neighbor and I were debating if the tilt on the tractor_combine would cause a displacement of actual vs. read location. Especially as the antennae is usually mounted on the cab about 10ft. off the ground(We won't even talk about actual cutting width when the back end wants to tail downhill). Raven claims they have a tilt compensator, although I don't know if it works. thanks ART


Running on a slope, sometimes even a small one, can have a drastic affect on the accuracy of a lightbar system. I haven't seen a compensator system at work yet, but I know that there has been a lot of research on how to solve the problem.


Chris, you comment begs the question,"how accurate would a yield monitor be in the same situationIJ". Any guess as to the affectIJ Art


A yield monitor's location accuracy is typically limited by the combine and not the receiver. I've yield mapped with $200 Garmin receivers that are within 9 ft. of what a $3000 is. If you've got a 30 ft. platform, it's the limiting factor.