I agree that AGCO has a poor representation at shows and these type of events. Allis Chalmers used to pull into the Farm Progress Show with a N7 and a 12 row corn head and blow every other combine out of the water and have factory representatives around. I remember at Farm Fest in Minnesota one time they were doing wheat and they had a N5 there and no one could keep up with it, the JD guys came up to the wheat field with a 8820 and tried to keep up with the N5 and plugged it up so bad they had to quit for the day ! Both IH and NH did a good job that day too. One year, I think it was 1992, it was in Austin Minnesota, they decided in the spring that they would have a combine demo for corn harvest, they set the date in September early enough so farmers would not be busy at home combining, well it got to be a late spring and fall rolled around and the corn was wet, actually they took a sample to the nearest town and it was 42% moisture. There was only one machine that could harvest corn that wet, a GlEANER R50. And the grain sample was very good. The rest tried and went home, the R50 combine kept going and going and going. The elevator that they were going to told them they could not dry corn that wet and I believe they told them that they had to dump it someplace. Back to my point about your comment, I believe that those of us that use Gleaners believe in them more than AGCO does, I do not think that AGCO knows how good of a combine they have. Rememeber those traveling combine shows that Gleaner used to put on IJ Where they would bring the new Gleaners and then they bring other color combines along too and let you drive all the colors and then there would be Allis Chalmers salesmen around to show the people the advantages to the Gleaners and actually be able to walk around a JD and show why a Gleaner is better, I never made it to one of those, but I bet those sold combines !