OK this is how it works. Every dealer can order up to around 2Pm. Any order placed after that time will have to have 'priority status' assaigned to it to be sure it will get out that day. Otherwise it will go out the following day. The charge for this, right or wrong, is $5 per line picked. 35 of the same bearings - $5 charge 1- 10 cent washer 5$ charge. Many companies have charges like this, many do not. As to what dealers do, it is up to the guy who pays the bill. We use common sense. If a customer has a need , and we should have stocked the part, we pay the bill. If it is something like a radiator cap for a D17 or a F2 gear that a customer should have ordered on a preseaon inspection, then we pass on the charge and give the customer the option. We have no set rule, just country boy reason. We have to order a lot of parts Next Day Air UPS for customers who have to have them. About 40% lay in the floor for a day or two before they are picked up by customers. Back to the charge - it forced dealers to order early so the parts can be pulled normally and shippers can deliver on time. Many times on priority orders special freight handlers are called in to deliver late orders. Right wrong or indifferent, thats the way it is.