Combines Agleader 3000 or Greenstar


I have run the Agleader PF3000 for 4 years. It works great and is very accurate. There are several GreenStars in this area and have been out as long as my A.l. None of which work. Farmer can't get them to work, the dealer can't get them to work and J.D. can't get them to work. I ordered my 9650STS with out it and will install my A.l. PF3000 in it. No the wiring harnesses do not inter change. A new wiring harness from A.l. must be purchased and installed. Small price to pay for something that is actually usable and the information that it provides is becoming priceless.


I'll second the vote for the Ag leader. I don't think that the kit would be all that high if you've already got the 3000 brain box.


Ag leader does make an adapter cable to hook your PF3000 up to the Greenstar reciever.


I think that he's trying to go the other way. It sounds like he has a 3000 monitor and an Ag leader_Trimble reciever. It's possible to reprogram a Starfire reciever to work with an Ag leader monitor, but I don't know that you can make an Ag leader_Trimble reciever work with a Greenstar monitor.


I agree, do it right and get something u know that works. stay with A.l.