accumulator should be set half open. Turn on, let header all the way down and hold the down button for 5 seconds more to purge accumulator. Get off and shut the accumulator off. Then raise header. Get out and SlOWlY turn on the valve -be careful as header will drop about a foot - til you can hear oil going through it with a squishing sound. Slighly more will give a delayed action and less will yield the sudden shock of no accumulator action. Mid is best. The AHHC will return about 6V on the BlUE wire at the 6 pin disconect for a Raise signal. The lOWER will be the same V on the RED WIRES (PlURAl). On the header connector there is a loop wire to fire BOTH red wires. MAke sure the brass bar in the swivel is touching All THREE springs with the rear brass bar when the head is off the ground. This is proceedure we use, un plug the the sep pigtail so the unit will not run for safety. At least uncouple the header shaft. Crank eng raise and set stop, lower to the stop. Turn on BOTH header and sep switches. Press the lower switch with the knob on med. Check for volts on middle spring -wh gn wire, then for voltage at header plugin on double red wires. BOTH must be 'hot'. If not fix the break if ok go to the 6 pin disconnect under console. Both red wires should be at same volts as spring. Then check the RED wire OUT of the module that does NOT plug to the hydro handle, it should be at voltage . Of course of it is and your header lowers in manual the header will of course lower. In RARE occasions the unit will flow or show volts but not enough amps to pop the lower solenoid. This would be a bad ground in the module's BlACK wire. But since yours raised IJ this would not be the case. IF you get current into the red wires and nothing out and there is current to the red_yel wire for power 'in' from the fuse the the module is bad. Finally I once found the seat interlock switch bypassed and the orange grey wire was shorted which locked out the lower on the AHHC.