Yes!! Two neighbors run 3 JD'S and have less dock than I do and save a lot more grain than I do. But that is the least of the problems I am concerned with. I can rent a JD combine for about the same price as the yearly repair bill on the Case. My 2188 has around 1600 separator hours and has had a new cone, veins, and concaves,complete unloading augar, two upright bin augers, new clean grain augar under sieves, 4 feeder chains,feeder floor, grain tank bottom,engine fan idler,radiator,shaker pan, all shaker bushings,about 4 rotor belts,and now it needs new clean grain elevator,Third feeder chain sprocket,new feeder house floor I could keep going---- this is the third Case combine I have owned and all have been about the same, they are just like the IH tractors I use to run---- JUNK. I have tried every after market product that has came along and it was just a waste of money! The Case may work for a certain crop if every thing is set just right but the next crop takes a completely different configuration. Tell me I'm crazy, but you could not give me another Case product. Randy