Combines Any suggestions to avoid backfeedingIJ


Gleaner made a "concave extension assembly" for corn-soybean specials. It was designed to prevent backfeeding of the thresher (front) raddle. Does yours have thisIJ It looks like an angle iron with a bunch of long rake teeth on it that turn down at the rear sprockets of the raddle. If you can't get material away from the cylinder, it may cause trouble in front of it


Yes, it has to be your feeder beater fingers. They should extend as soon a they reach the 11 oclock position and retract at the 5 oclock. You should also be breaking feeder chains or slipping the heck out of the clutch.


I would suggest changing your beater fingers because once they become worn then they do not reach as far and the straw tends to go in as wads instead of evenly flowing into the machine. If your beater has been plugging a lot i would suggest putting a new cutch in and it will save you a lot of stops with a plugged machine, it did on our l2. Good luck Brent


Be sure your cyl beater is speeded up,Put a bigger drive sprocket on cyl or smaller driven sprocket on beater


My F2 did the same thing until I sped up the beater behind the cylinder. Check with your dealer for the right sprocket. I was told to put the standard one back on for corn and beans but I don't.


If the "long Rake Teeth" over the rear of the front raddle chain are bent UP too much the front raddle chain can't move straw back to the rear raddle chain. This causes build up BEHIND the cylinder. Adjust the "long Rake Teeth" or 3_8 rods DOWN to just about touching the front raddle chain (in the IDlER BEARING area of the front raddle chain) This allows the raddle chain to keep pushing the straw back. I slide a big box end wrench over the rods to bend them down lOl


If you have the rigid feeder beater with a 44 tooth sprocket on it get it changed to the available 38 tooth. Be sure the thresher beater and cylinder strippers are in place and in good shape. Good luck


Try hoding metal curtain above seperator raddle up some by drilling holes in sides of combine and inserting a rod or remove curtain.I remove it for large volume of straw or tall soys ( no tall soys last 3 yrs.) as this curtain seems to cause contipation by slowing straw getting to walkers but is needed in light crops to help catch grain.