Here in NW KS, we never had any wheat to turn brown. lot of the seed is still setting in the dust where it was planted in. There is some wheat in a few areas that caught some rain last year but it looks pretty bleak. Kurt
The wheat here is not near as good as it was a year ago. Whether it is continous wheat or summerfallow, generally only about 2_3's of the wheat came up when drilled so it is kind of spotty. We did get some rain (.50) in December to sprout most of the last wheat and some of it is an inch out of the ground but with it comming up so late it will have a hard time to yield very well. last spring we had near ideal conditions for wheat from late Feburary on. Even if we would get good conditions this spring I would only estimate a 2_3rds to 3_4 crop just due to the uneveness of the crop.
I'm in NCKS, and the snow just now came off the wheat. We seem to be in a little pocket where the wheat looks pretty good right now. There are army worms out there, though, so we're preparing for that. I drove to Colorado last weekend on Hwy. 24, and you guys in WKS have really got it tough right now. I used to farm out there, but I have NEVER seen it this dry. I'll keep praying for you.
Our wheat looks great the three foot of snow that was on it just melted waitng for some frost to do some top dressing hopping for the big one this year 120+.