Anyone else miss having littles?


Farm Hand
I always miss having young children this time of year. The young ones get so excited about Santa coming and they really get into the holiday spirit and enjoy family time. I can't help but miss those days. Mine are old enough to think that Dad is a dork and they're busy texting their friends, so can I please just close the door. Does anyone else miss having littles* and experiencing the magic of Christmas with them.

*I know I sound like a mom blogger with "littles". I just couldn't think of anything else that fit as well.


Farm Hand
We're experiencing this right now and yep, it's magical. I have reindeer and Santa prints to make on Christmas Eve night. It's been raining so I'm going to make their prints in the mud. I can't wait to see their faces on Christmas morning. It's not all good stuff though. I'm no fan of that dang Elf on a Shelf and to be honest, there's a good chance that my son and daughter will like the boxes more than the toys that came in the boxes.