Combines Anyone have experience with air reelsIJ


We have used a Kehoe airreel on a R50 with a 20 ft. header for 3 years.I would not reccomend it in small grains helps insoys especially when short also in edible beans like kidney, white and azuki etc.


Thanks for your comments. Have you ever run the air reel in lodged soybeans or (take no offense) very weedy conditionsIJ Does it still work well when the beans are lodged or leaning away from the direction of travelIJ I've done a little searching on the web but I can't seem to find any manufacturers or distributors handling Keho's. Could you be of any help in that areaIJ It would be much appreciated.


No offence take! Although i believe that the feeding into the header is better in most conditions,in forward leaning beans and or weedy conditions i do not think it to be of much value .leaning beansIJ how do you grow em that tallIJ


We run a keho on our r52 and find it really good for edibles and standing soys.


Dear KnuckleBuster In the 80s especially the late 80s there were tons of air reels mfg and sold in Western Canada there were used mostly in cereals that wre short and hard to pick. In a real light crop the back of header had be extended to keep material from blowing right under the table auger and out the back onto the ground. I think most people liked them they use a little more power than a plain auger table in down and lodged crop they don't pick much but they seem to be getting around that by using crop lifters. There seems to be some renewed interest in them for field peas as they won't push rocks in like a bat arm would especially for rotory combines. Something else that was mentioned was reduced operater fatigue as no bats to look through . If you would like to know anything more specific or are looking for something in particular I could propably find someone to help you.


I have used a Kaltesh air reel for about 4 years now. It is a hydraulic driven, individual flat turbine with ribbon belt. Power use is minimal and it works VERY well with lots of air flow. I works well on Wheat and lentils.