Combines Are 8010 parts that scarceIJ


You know you got a point. I sure like the Red combines simplicity and longivity, but it is funning how they rob parts from other dealers inventory to get guys going in a pinch. I know they robbed a shaft for a chopper on an 8010 in my area, Just got the machine back in running order, when a freight truck showed up an what do you know a shaft was on the truck, a shaft. Alot of work to pull out and replace in two machines, even had to replace fuel tank. Maybe owner would have been better off if she would have burned up...I doubt it! No doubt a wonderful huge machine if all you have is a few capable combine drivers, but for the cost...IJ


Its not just case I know of a guy who has 5 certain kinds of combines and only 4 run cause that 5th one is a part's counter. Hey atleast case lets them rob parts off of one machine to keep you going. I had a friend up north his dealer wouldn't even do that


On 8010 (especially 04-05) you newer know witch part will go down so you dealer does right if has parts donor.