Combines auction results


I wouldn't be to concerned about your trade-in value. We priced a CR 970 and 9860STS this past fall and trade-in value was on par with what CAT was offering us. In the end it came down to financing, I also feel that in our conditions the 480 will still be the one to beat. We have no complaints with our machine; why are you looking to bailIJ Also keep in mind that the 480 had 1000 hrs...I was actually surprised at what it brought, pretty fair dollar really when you look at what other stuff goes for on there...Quadtrac for 50K!


We can't seem to get ANYONE to offer anything over what would be considered auction price against retail including CAT. I've never been in this position where I couldn't get someone reved up about making a deal. No one is even calling back. That has never happened before.


We've talked before, your from Saskatchewan rightIJ Give me your e-mail and we can talk further.


just saw your auction conversation now. i am pretty new to idea of cat combines. i saw i could buy a 2001 cat 480 for under 99,000 with 350 hrs on it. ad said it is loaded. just wondering how a guy could go wrong on this deal. or could it be a lemon, and i know the resale of them seems to be falling hard. just seems like a helluva machine for that kind of money. i have never actually drove a 480 before, just a 470, and i was impressed.


You're not the only one. Regardless of what others say in this forum, I could always get someone to make me a reasonable offer on the TR's that I've owned over the years. Not the case with my lexion.


hi- I purchased a 465 on iron planet and have found it an hungry monster. It was not updated and their was some damage not told to buyers and I think as with any auction that is normal. updates will run over 10000 in a hurry and that the reason for the lower selling prices.


Well I don't know where this "globalization" is going to end. But that is why our stuff, and the price of our products, ain't worth what it needs to be. All these trade talks sounded good but they forgot to include some minimum standards of employment. People on farms in China are glad to work for $.50 an hour. Even Mexico is loosen jobs to 'em. Add to that state subsidies and where do we stand. Actually they didn't forget to talk about global standards. tHE BIG MONEY JUST DIDN'T WANT TO BECAUSE They knew they could make mucho more dollars paying people $.50. We North American farmers have to make our politicians listen to us. We are all running 5x faster to try and stay where you where 10 years ago. Don't let the fat cats trade us away. Write your congressman, your MP, or whoever it is who wants your vote and let them know the Heart and Soul of North America is being sold out to multinationals who don't give a hoot about joe worker or farmer.They just care about keeping their billions rolling in.


I gave up on politicians a long time ago. I sent letters to our congressmen and senators in a mass mailing and didn't get one response from any of them. Maybe they can not stand hearing the truth. As far as I am concerned all politicians are one step above a dirt bag. When there is one farmer (more likely corporation) left per county. Then the surviving organization will have some clout in pricing. Corn at $1.65 locally here in NE boggles the mind. I sold corn in 1973 for $3.25 bu and bought a brand new Ford F250 Ranger truck for $3400.00. Tell me where are we getting but working our selves into slavery. There has to be sometning better in life. Unfortunately I am too old to start something else anymore.


If we all took a year off every 5 - 7 years things would be alot different. The days are gone when we can expect the government to keep us afloat. We're expereincing the opposite of what is happening in the oil industry. Oil is so high because the supply is low work wide China alone concumes 100% more oil than it did 5 years ago that is not going to change. Corn beans and wheat are cheap because the supply is high. Its that simple. But unless we all skip a crop nothing is going to change.


Thats about what Masseys bring around here. But they don't have 4x4 drive. Nobody wants them anymore and most people would rather pay $3000-$5000 for a comparable JD, IH, or even a conventional Gleaner. Their reputation around here dooms them at auctions. I watched a White 8900 with a 24ft header go for $4,500 which was pretty good. I paid $1,000 for a 1977 510 with a 20ft header and diesel engine. I think I paid too much but IMO the 510 was a better combine then the bigger ones.