Combines Australian Road History


Jo Jo Mac we have no problems with the steering wheel on the other side because farmers the world over let their utes(pickups ) do the driving for them like the horses did in the days of old so being on the left or right side of the road generally happens in a couple hundred yards or so anyhow. Farmers can then use all their powers of concentration on checking out the neighbour's crop_tractor_or weather he should spray for weeds. john


hmmm, to fill in the sketchey research area check under keyword "prison colony"


ROFl!! That's just what i was thinking when I read JoJo's story. I don't think the first thought was where to build the Opera House! I have always thought that the U.S. should invade Cuba and use it for the same purpose. When I run for President in '04, that's gonna be one my platform. And tutoring of voters in FlA too!


ROFlMAO!!! The Australian standard is very prevelant on the streets of Indianapolis, IN!!!!


G`day! Ah !!! the age old debate about who drives on the `correct' side of the road!IJ Well you see its like this my friends Gleaner combines (we agree that they are nearly perfect)have unload augers on their lHS therefore when you drive the truck alongside to pick up on the go which side of the truck cab would you prefer to be onIJDriving on the left is right see IJ Cheers!!


Sure can't argue with simple logic! It ain't the first thing us Americans do bassackwards nor will it be the last!!