Combines Avoid Agco Finance


You financed through Agco,but paid the local dealerIJDid you have a contract with Agco financeIJIf so you should have paid them direct.


I'm sorry to say but that only be your dealership that did that not AGCO. But no offense to you but I think your........... CRAAAAZZZZZZYYYYYYY.


Tree, You must be from around the Newton area.Does Burton Einhorn ring a bell. If they dont pay Agco for it it was never payed for.Therefore they want there money. This farm equipment buisness is run on trust and faith. When you buy something you trust that the dealer payed for it. If he didnt,there is still a lean on it no matter how much you paid them for it. IG


Tree email me if your from the area I will tell you all about it. Illinois Gleaner


Did you have a contract with Agco finance or had you bought the combine from the dealer and paid for it with cash or financing from another sourceIJ If you had a contract then you should have paid Agco directly. I think every finance plan I have done with them says specifacally not to pay the dealer but to deal directly with them. If you paid cash and the dealer didn't pay Agco for it then there could be a problem, although I don't think it would be good for Agco's business to try to get people to pay for equipment twice. There was a CaseIH dealer in this area who went bankrupt several years ago who sold a bunch of new equipment on a no trade cash only deal just before he closed and didn't pay the company for it. No one I know of had to pay for anything twice. Personally I have had a very good relationship with Agco finance and they are a major reason I run Agco equipment.


If your message has any merit, why are you reluctant to identify yourself or provide a verifiable email addressIJ


Im in the middle of a lawsuit is why I am reluctant to give much personel imfo. I do not trust Agco or Agco Finance. Believe me they will do any thing to anyone. I love my gleaners as much as anyone. but I will have to go green when this is over.,.. that even makes me sick to say that...just be very careful when dealing with them..tree


Thanks for the reply, yes we probably did something stupid but you know you trust people you have done business with for 30 years. and we are talking about such a small amount in the scheme of things,, You would think agco would have some honor or respect for their past and future customers... be careful when dealing with them..


Sounds to me like the dealer put the screws to you, not Agco. I'd be knockin' on his door!!!!


Sorry about your situation, but I would be contacting Agco directly and I would also show them evidence of your deposits on this equipment. This shouldnt hold up in court if you show them proof of payment for the equipment. The finance statements are always sent to the customer from Agco finance and they have records of your payments. If you paid the dealer for a combine and it was financed from Agco, well you need to prove to them you paid for it and then they should go after the dealer for outstanding debts they have with them. This sounds like a crooked scheme that can happen to any brand of equipment, it sounds like maybe your dealing with an equipment jockey thats happens to be a dealer. We deal with agco finance on a couple big items and never have had a problem such as this.